BREAKING: Texas Senate Update

BREAKING: Ted Cruz worried 2024 race will be a "firefight"

Maybe it's his relentless attacks on our fundamental rights. Or his loyalty to Trump, even as he spewed lies, pushed conspiracy theories and cheered on the mob on Jan. 6. Or the fact that he abandoned our state and flew to Cancun during a deadly winter storm.

There are a lot of reasons to vote against Ted Cruz – and he knows it.

Polling showed more Texans disapprove of the job he's doing than support him, and CNN ranks him as one of the most vulnerable incumbent senators on the ballot next year. He's already calling this race a "firefight" and launching lie-filled attacks against Colin Allred.

We're not scared of Ted Cruz, but we know failing to fight back against his lies could doom our campaign before it even gets off the ground. We have a real chance to defeat Cruz, but only if we have the money we need to compete. So we set a rapid-response goal to raise $250,000 by midnight, and we're urgently asking for your help, John:

Please, rush $5, $10, or any amount you can spare to split between our campaign and Serve America so that we can compete with Ted Cruz's massive war chest. Every dollar will go toward our fight to flip Texas blue and expand Democrats' Senate majority.

Thanks for giving what you can to help us defeat Ted Cruz! Together, we can hold him accountable, flip Texas blue and defend the Senate.

Team Allred