In 2019, the Supreme Court ruled that federal courts can't put limits on partisan gerrymandering. Reuters reports that this decision "likely will embolden politicians to pursue more extreme efforts [to manipulate maps] free from the fear of judicial interference."
Was it a setback? Yes. Are we giving up? No way.
Chip in to help us execute our plan >>
So what’s our plan? It has four components:
We get Democrats in office. We win elections in our nine target states to make sure Democrats are at the table to fight for fair maps during redistricting in 2021.
We react to legal battles. In the past few years, courts have overturned gerrymandered maps in numerous states. The NDRC and our affiliates are fighting against the cracking and packing of voters and working to ensure every person’s vote counts equally.
We support reform efforts. In 2018, five states passed ballot measures to make their redistricting process fairer -- and more are coming.
We build a movement of grassroots advocates. We raise awareness and train activists who will participate in redistricting in their states.
But executing our four-pronged plan won’t be cheap, so we’re relying on our grassroots base to help out. Can you pitch in today to help us keep fighting for fair maps in the states?
-- Team NDRC
Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting PAC,
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.