Folks --

Donald Trump just announced that he’s coming to Colorado to support our opponent and rally his right-wing base. We need to raise $250,000 by midnight tonight to have the necessary resources to respond to whatever attacks he throws our way. If you can, rush a donation now:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Just days after Cory Gardner covered for the president and blocked firsthand witnesses, Trump is thanking him by coming to Colorado to attack us.

Last year, the president vowed to do everything possible to help his chosen candidate -- and now it’s clear he’s making good on that promise.

Trump has already raised $100,000 to support Gardner’s re-election bid and pledged to campaign “a lot” for him in the coming months. We need to fight back!

Rush a donation of $10 or more before midnight to help us defy Trump and flip Colorado’s Senate seat. Anything you can give will allow us to have the resources to respond to incoming attacks immediately.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Trump and Washington Republicans are terrified of losing this seat. They know John will be an independent check on their dangerous agenda, so they’re flooding our state with money, rallies, and attacks.

But we’re fighting back the right way -- with grassroots donations from folks just like you. That’s why your donation is so important today.

— Team Hick