Can you chip in to keep Senator Whitehouse in the Senate next year?

Whitehouse for Senate


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced his campaign for president this week — complete with a clear signal to the billionaires who fund the Republican Party that he is determined to push the Supreme Court even harder to the right.

DeSantis said that if he served for eight years, he’d be able to install “a 7-2 conservative majority on the Supreme Court that would last a quarter-century.”

Senator Whitehouse and his fellow Senate Democrats have been working hard to rebalance the federal judiciary in the wake of the last Republican president. We can’t afford to let far-right politicians like Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump sweep in and hand the judicial confirmation process back over to an apparatus funded by creepy billionaires and big corporations.

We need to keep our Democratic majority so we can confirm fair, impartial judges — not Federalist Society auditioners sent to carry out the GOP’s far-right agenda. Will you contribute right now to keep the Senate blue?

Because of former President Trump’s appointments to the Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade was overturned on a 6-3 vote. Now, Republicans like Ron DeSantis want to seal a 7-2 supermajority for years to come.

A Democratic Senate is absolutely critical to the future of the courts. Without the majority, Republicans will resume Trump’s work to stuff the judiciary with billionaire-approved judges.

Team, our democracy depends on a fair, balanced judiciary. That’s why we need Democrats like Senator Whitehouse in the Senate. Pitch in to support this campaign and defend Democrats’ razor-thin majority.

Thank you,

Team Whitehouse






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Whitehouse for Senate
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