I’m in this race to fight for you and your family—so your endorsement is the one that means the most to me.


I’m running for reelection to keep fighting for our Montana values in the Senate.

I’m a seven-fingered dirt farmer from Big Sandy. I first ran for office because I was sick and tired of politicians ignoring families like mine. Too many of our elected officials are stuck deep in the pockets of special interests and screw over the people they’re supposed to represent.

For me, it’s all about delivering results and working to hold our government accountable, taking care of our veterans, and lowering costs for families.

I’ve got a track record of fighting for Montanans, but there’s still work to do to create a brighter future for generations to come. That’s why I’m asking:

Will you personally endorse my campaign today?

I’m in this race to fight for you and your family—so your endorsement is the one that means the most to me. We have a long fight ahead of us, and it’s critical that I know you have my back, especially this early in the campaign.

Political pundits are already calling this race one of 2024’s most pivotal “toss-up” races. Mitch McConnell and his cronies are hellbent on flipping my seat to win back the Senate majority, and they'll spend millions to do it.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The power of this grassroots team is what will propel me back to the Senate next November. If everyone reading this email signs on as a personal endorser of my campaign, we'll send a big signal to national Republicans and their big-money donors that we're ready for the fight ahead.

Can I count on you to add your name right now to become an official supporter of my reelection campaign?

Thanks, team. I’m honored to have you in this fight with us.
