Urgent action needed!



We write with an update on HB 2772 and to encourage you to keep the pressure on our leaders to oppose this dangerous and controversial bill. 


This ‘domestic terrorism’ bill is continuing to move through the Oregon legislature. After advancing out of the House Judiciary Committee to the Joint Committee on Ways and Means, it has now been assigned to that committee’s Subcommittee on Public Safety. The bill has a scheduled work session on Tuesday, May 30 at 3:00pm.


Even though the Republican walk out has created uncertainty as to whether any new legislation will be passed this session, because HB 2772 has bipartisan support, we believe that its passage could unfortunately be a priority in any deal that brings Republican Senators back to the legislature


We have added the email addresses of the Subcommittee on Public Safety members as targets on this letter writing campaign. Even if you have already sent letters via this campaign to the Joint Committee on Ways and Means, please consider submitting another round of letters so that the Subcommittee on Public Safety receives your message too. Also, please raise awareness on social media channels about the upcoming work session and the need to communicate opposition to the subcommittee. 

HB 2772 is ripe for abuse against protestors, activists, and over-policed communities, and State leaders have displayed negligence by not engaging with their communities and constituents. Join us now in demanding that Oregon legislators oppose this dangerous and unnecessary bill.


In solidarity,

The Breach Team



PO Box 5291, Eugene, Oregon 97405

Breach Collective is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

©2020 Breach Collective. All rights reserved.