Dive Into Democracy is Waterkeeper Alliance’s roundup of current attacks on America’s clean water protections and how to take action.
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Dear Friend, 

The Supreme Court today ruled in favor of the Sacketts and their corporate polluter allies, delivering a major setback to the essential protections afforded by the Clean Water Act.

We cannot afford to lose any more environmental and public health protections. 

That is why we are calling on President Biden to emphatically reject attempts to use the debt ceiling crisis as a opportunistic wedge to gut more of our bedrock environmental laws, rubber stamp dirty fossil fuel, mining, and nuclear infrastructure, and silence the voices of communities who’ve been fighting to protect their health and neighborhoods from polluting projects for years. 

Will you take a moment to tell President Biden and your Members of Congress that they must pass a clean debt ceiling bill that both honors America’s debts and leaves the country’s environmental and public health protections intact? 

The stakes could not be higher, especially for already-vulnerable communities across the country. If the permitting scheme under consideration is successfully attached to debt ceiling negotiations, it could mean greater exposure to oil spills, gas leaks, air pollution, water pollution, and even increased risks of premature death. 

It is possible for America to ensure its debts are honored without locking in dirty energy projects and sacrificing the health of our communities and planet. 

Tell President Biden that we cannot afford this dangerous deal. 

Thank you for raising your voice in favor of clean water and healthy communities.

With thanks,

Thomas Hynes
Staff Writer

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