Senator Doug Jones voted to convict Donald Trump this week on both impeachment charges.

Chris Murphy for Senate

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Friends -

Senator Doug Jones voted to convict Donald Trump this week on both impeachment charges.

That was a tough vote, but as he said, “Senators are elected to make tough choices.”

That is true, and it is why I can’t think of a more worthwhile thing to do right now than donate to his re-election campaign.

Will you split a $3 donation between Doug Jones’s and my campaigns to help us hold his seat in Alabama and take back the Senate in 2020? There are few Senators as brave and incorruptible as Doug, and it’s up to us to make sure he stays in the Senate fighting for justice.

Doug has faced a lot of tough votes in the Senate. Before impeachment, there was his vote against Brett Kavanaugh.

In every situation, he has shown immense moral courage. He knows he’s facing the toughest re-election of any Senator this year. And he is going to win because of the strength of his convictions and his relentless focus on simply doing what is right.

I admire him greatly for that, and it is why I’m asking you to help him win re-election.

If we can hold his seat in Alabama, I have no doubt that we will win back the Senate from Mitch McConnell in November. What do you say?

Please split a $3 donation between our campaigns today to help us take back the Senate. With Roy Moore and Jeff Sessions both running against him, he’s going to need all of us behind him.

Our democracy is in a fragile state. But Doug Jones is a reminder every day that, if we fight for and have faith in democracy, then it can and will survive this test.

Every best wish,

Chris Murphy


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