![]() Patriot, The FBI is simply out of control. Last week, the government released a heavily redacted secret court review from April of 2022 about how the FBI has abused and misused the secret “Section 702” database to illegally gather data on American citizens. That’s a lot of secrecy, but ultimately just enough transparency to now reveal the FBI abused the Section 702 database a whopping 278,000 times in just over one year. . . . . . to illegally gather evidence against Americans, including (but not limited to) crime victims, January 6 suspects, people arrested at protests, church leaders, law-abiding gun owners, and in one case, 19,000 donors to one candidate for Congress. ![]() The secret Section 702 database was added to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in 2008 and allows for warrantless surveillance and intelligence gathering of non-Americans based on mere suppositions rubber-stamped by a secret court. In other words, there is no real due process. But it should come as no surprise the NSA and FBI abuse it to spy on American citizens as they search for some reason . . . ANY reason . . . to go after citizens while torching their unalienable rights. As Campaign for Liberty noted recently, the report on the FBI’s Trump-Russia collusion investigation revealed the entire investigation was based on claims the FBI knew to be false. Yet they went forward and brazenly interfered in the 2016 presidential election and attempted to change its outcome. But the FBI isn’t just spying on Trump and congressional candidates. They’re spying on ordinary Americans like you and me. And now it’s time to make the Deep State stop!! Tell Congress: Hold the FBI Accountable for Their Crimes Against America. The Biden administration has openly said they believe the greatest threat to America is not Russia, not China, but “homegrown domestic terrorism” – which in their view includes anyone who disagrees with them. Recall that in late 2021, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memo calling for the FBI to investigate parents attending school board meetings as potential domestic terrorists. On top of that, several FBI agents recently testified before Congress that they were stripped of security clearances and pay for bringing concerns about FBI abuses of power to their superiors. In doing so, the FBI sent a clear message to their own employees not to question any misconduct they may see. One whistleblower raised the alarm after the FBI ended his critical investigations involving sexual crimes against children and was ordered to record the license plates of parked cars outside of school board meetings instead. And as if that’s not bad enough, he was told his critical investigations were “not to be resourced” anymore! That’s right. The FBI deemed the identification of innocent parents at school board meetings more important than investigating sexual crimes against children. You just can’t make this stuff up. Their transgressions go on and on and on . . . In 2021, Mark Houck was arrested for pushing an abortion clinic escort. Local officials declined to prosecute, but the Department of Justice upped the ante significantly. “A SWAT team of about 25 came to my house with about 15 vehicles and started pounding on our door,”
Houck’s wife, Ryan-Marie Houck said.
“They said they were going to break in if he didn’t open it. And then they had about five guns pointed at my husband, myself, and basically at my kids,” she added. What came out during Houck’s trial a few months ago was a video the FBI possessed, showing the clinic escort was verbally assaulting Houck’s 12-year-old son, and Houck shoved the escort to protect his son who was only praying. But the FBI thought it was fine to send in an armed SWAT team and confront a peaceful family. Despite losing the case, the Department of Justice and the FBI never apologized nor fired, let alone reprimanded, anyone. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, and numerous other Republicans have called for rogue federal agencies to be de-funded for these incidents and many more. House Republicans pledged to hold the FBI accountable. But almost six
months after taking over the House, there has been little movement. Now you and I need to hold them to their promises. Tell Congress: Hold the FBI Accountable for Their Crimes Against America. As journalist Glenn Greenwald noted last night, every year the DOJ’s Inspector General’s office issues a report detailing at great length the severe abuses of power the FBI commits for political ends. But what changes? From its inception with J. Edgar Hoover at the helm to the present day with Jim Comey and Christopher Wray as directors, the FBI has been a rogue agency manipulating the political affairs in Washington. But Washington politicians aren’t their only target. They’re after you and me, too. Now it is time to see whether the Republican politicians in Washington are serious about reining in these rogue agencies or if they are full of hot air. Your representative needs to know that we, the People, recognize the FBI’s extraordinary abuses of power for what they are. So please click here to demand your representative in Congress hold the FBI accountable for their misconduct. Every time they get caught breaking the law or cutting corners, we get a weak apology and promises to clean things up internally . . . and then they do it all over again without real repercussions. The violators normally get away with the lies and deceit . . . and eventually walk away with their government pensions. But the Republican-controlled House controls the purse strings. All the House has to do is refuse to put funding for the FBI in the budget. Patriot, I’ll say it again because it is so important. . . The House does not need to get majority agreement in the Senate and a signature from the president on a stand-alone bill to hold the FBI accountable. They can simply refuse to provide funding. Whether they de-fund the FBI entirely or just make deep enough cuts in the right places, it’s what they need to do – and promised to do. Since they’ve promised that, it’s up to us to hold them accountable to their promises. Tell your representative right now: Hold the FBI accountable for their crimes and take away their funding. It’s critical we demand our politicians take action, because they are each counting how many constituents are speaking out. If you and I don’t speak out and Congress fails to hold this rogue agency to account now, they will grow even more emboldened in their targeting of innocent Americans. So please send your directive to Congress now. And if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty with a generous contribution of $25 or $50 today so we can turn up the heat on this critical issue. If you can afford $1,000 or $10 or something in between, we can continue to inform and mobilize more patriots and apply pressure on Congress. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul P.S. The FBI, since J. Edgar Hoover took the reins nearly 100 years ago through the present, has been fraught with corruption and abuse – and has never been held accountable. Congress MUST hold them accountable – and we must hold Congress accountable. Tell Congress to hold the FBI accountable and take away their funding. Sign your directive to your representative now and demand they do their job and hold the FBI accountable for their actions and illegal activities. And if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty with a contribution. Can you make a donation of $25 or $50 today? Maybe your means allow something larger like $100 or even $1,000 to help us keep the brushfires of liberty burning and restore the Constitution. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
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Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |