Hi John.
I know good ideas can come from Republicans and Democrats. And one area where I know we can find common ground is stopping wasteful spending.
I understand many Kansans are concerned about our nation’s debt. If we’re going to rebuild trust between people and their government, Congress has to do a better job of protecting taxpayers.
That’s why I’m pleased to share that I’m supporting a new bipartisan bill – the Identifying and Eliminating Wasteful Programs Act. Please click here to learn more and read a nonpartisan summary.
My focus is on concrete and bipartisan solutions that can make a difference for Kansans. For example – the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says that the bipartisan infrastructure law I helped pass is fiscally responsible, and now it’s replacing lead pipes in Olathe. These are the kinds of investments we can make in our economy while we go after waste and abuses.
This Identifying and Eliminating Wasteful Programs Act is a great example of how we can take common sense steps to stop wasteful spending.
First, the bill requires federal agencies to find wasteful or duplicative programs for elimination. Then, the agencies must send a list of those wasteful programs to congress and make the list publicly available. Finally, the agencies have to work with congress to help eliminate or consolidate the programs.
This legislation has bipartisan support — and is just one step among many that we can take to help protect taxpayers.
I’ve been been focused on protecting taxpayers since I was first sworn into office. In fact, one of my first actions was standing up to leaders in my own party and pushing them to honor a fiscally responsible rule called PAYGO.
This is a rule that says if you propose a new program, it has to be paid for. That means cutting other spending or new revenue. Later, when my party’s leaders tried to rush a vote to ignore the PAYGO rule, I voted against them.
I also worked with Republicans to pass bipartisan laws to go after fraud in pandemic relief programs.
This emergency relief was crucial for keeping many local businesses afloat and workers on the job in the darkest days of the pandemic. Unfortunately, we also saw clear abuses.
For example, some fraudulent loans were taken out in the names of Johnson County residents. I pushed the Small Business Administration to hold these victims harmless. Then, I helped pass bipartisan laws to extend the statute of limitations to go after these criminals and protect taxpayers.

I know Republicans and Democrats can take pragmatic, common sense steps to address wasteful spending. We don’t need to accept the false choice that we have to cut critical promises like Social Security, Medicare, or veterans’ benefits.
These are just some of the concrete and bipartisan steps we can take to protect taxpayers. The last thing we need is more division and empty promises.
We do not have to accept the false and self-defeating choice that we have to balance our budget on the backs of seniors, veterans, the middle class, or our economy. I’m strongly opposed to cutting Social Security and Medicare, which people have paid into their whole lives. Balancing our budget requires pragmatism, not extremism.
It is an incredible honor and a privilege to serve you in the U.S. House of Representatives. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
My warmest regards,
Sharice L. Davids Member of Congress
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Remember, if you ever need help right away with the federal government – anything from backlogged veterans’ benefits to stalled tax refunds – please contact my office in Overland Park at (913) 621-0832. You’re also welcome to contact my office to share your concerns on any issue.