Six years ago, I was talking to a stranger at a dog park—repeating the same question for what felt like the thousandth time that day. My feet ached. My voice was hoarse. And I couldn’t have felt more energized by the grassroots movement I had joined.
Along with a small but mighty team, I was working with Prevent Cruelty California to accumulate thousands of signatures to get a new measure on the 2018 California ballot. This groundbreaking bill would ban the most extreme forms of confinement for animals on factory farms. (You might already know where I’m going with this.)
Almost every morning, I’d wake up and head out to a bustling farmer’s market, college campus, or crosswalk. Rain or shine, wind or fog, we’d stand there with our signs and clipboards, asking registered voters if they’d show their support for animals. Some days were exhausting, but I met so many passionate activists who gave their whole hearts to the work.
As we talked to passersby, I saw their expressions change as they learned what we were fighting for. I listened to their questions and watched their thoughtful nods. I watched as thousands of Californians, one by one, added their names in support of animals.
We were part of something big that day. Really big. But I didn’t realize just how big until now. And that’s what I wanted to share with you today.
As an advocate for animals on factory farms—spreading a message of compassion in the world—you can never know what the full extent of your impact will be. You can never know what’s around the corner. All you can do is keep fighting for what’s right, today.
Because—as you probably remember—the pig industry is a multi-billion-dollar business with formidable power and influence. We are a movement of individuals powered by determination, grit, and relentless compassion. To see our movement defeat the pig industry over and over, all the way up to the Supreme Court, was nothing short of historic. And it reminded me just how powerful we are.
The animal protection movement is entirely made of people like you—compassionate, caring folks who are demanding better for animals every single day. With a gift of any size, you can put even more energy behind this movement—fueling people-powered campaigns that make waves across our food system.
Thinking back to those early days of gathering signatures, I'm reminded of one of my favorite quotes, spoken by Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Thank you for being thoughtful. Thank you for being committed. Thank you for being here to change the world.
For the animals,

Allie Gunter
Campaigns Manager |
P.S. So many people played a role in order to get to this monumental outcome. (Many of you, reading this today, were involved back then!) And I will forever appreciate all of you for being here, fighting for animals. What a deep honor it is to be surrounded by such company.