[[link removed]] Hey John, we have a question for you. [[link removed]]
If you knew chipping in $3 right now could help us defeat Josh Hawley and flip Missouri’s U.S. Senate seat in 2024… would you do it?
What if you knew that donating $3 today meant we’d have one more vote in the Senate to end the filibuster, protect abortion access + voting rights, and finally make real investments into the American people?
Or what if I told you GOP insiders at the National Republican Senatorial Committee are already targeting Lucas Kunce, the 13-year Marine veteran on a mission to replace Josh Hawley, with attacks — and that your $3 donation would help him stand up and fight back when it matters most?
Lucas is building this movement without a cent from corporate PACs or shady mega-donors, so early investments (of even just $3) are the best way we can prepare our campaign for the fight ahead.
So what do you say, John? Will you split a donation of $3 (or more) between our grassroots campaign to elect Lucas Kunce and Daughters Defend right now? [[link removed]]
$5 [[link removed]]
$25 [[link removed]]
$50 [[link removed]]
$75 [[link removed]]
$100 [[link removed]]
Other [[link removed]]
Thank you,
Team Lucas Kunce
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Paid for and authorized by Daughters Defend Democracy. DaughtersDefend.com. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Daughters Defend Democracy
2021 L Street NW
Suite 101-172
Washington, DC 20036
United States
This advertisement was not approved by any candidate.
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