By Morton A. Klein
(MAY 24, 2023 / JNS) This month’s issue of Foreign Affairs included a disgraceful, antisemitic, Israelophobic article entitled “Israel’s One-State Reality.” It calls Israel libelous names without a shred of evidence and then urges the U.S. government to adopt a Jew-haters’ wish list of 14 anti-Israel policies aimed at crushing, weakening, leaving defenseless and annihilating the sole Jewish state.
The article is a frightening example of the antisemitic, anti-Israel blood libels and policy prescriptions that have infested the media and too many college political science departments and left-wing think tanks.
The article’s authors are three George Washington University professors—Michael Barnett, Nathan Brown and Marc Lynch—and University of Maryland professor Shibley Telhami, who is also a fellow at the Brookings Institution.
In a remarkable feat of verbosity, these antisemitic professors spend most of their article’s 5,512 words (10 single-spaced pages) falsely calling Israel the following 16 words: An apartheid-like Jewish supremacist colonialist state and occupier of Palestinian land with a radical extremist government.
Israel is, of course, none of the above. Israel is the ancient and modern Jewish homeland, all of which (including Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem) was designated for the Jewish people under binding international law, including the San Remo Resolution, the League of Nations Covenant, the British Mandate for Palestine and the U.N. Charter.
Israel is not and cannot be an “occupier” because there was never a “Palestinian state” to occupy. Israel is not “Palestinian” Arab land. Indeed, the term “Palestinian” used to refer to Jews and is based on a term used by the ancient Romans to negate the Jewish character of the Land of Israel. 99% of Palestinian Arabs live in Gaza and the 40% of Judea and Samaria that is under Palestinian Authority control.
There is nothing “supremacist” about a Jewish state. Over 80 countries have some religious designation and about half of those have official religions. Islam is the official state religion in 27 countries. By contrast, Israel has no official state religion.