Scott Perry isn't just responsible for holding our country hostage and steering us into default, he's proud of it.
Last year, our campaign warned everyone that Scott Perry was possibly the most dangerous man in Congress. As the debt ceiling debate drags on with little sign of progress, and our country teeters on the brink of default, we are all about to find out that those claims weren't just campaign hyperbole.
We must stop Perry in 2024, but that won't happen without your help. Can you make a contribution of $10, $25, $50, $100 or more to help us defeat Perry?
Perry and his Freedom Caucus are behind the Republican plan to cut spending on vital programs while protecting tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. Their recklessness has resulted in the manufactured debt ceiling crisis that is putting our entire economy at risk.
For the most vulnerable Americans, the economic realities of Perry's antics, and his disregard for the American people could hit within a week.
Roughly $98 billion worth of benefits, including Medicare, Medicaid, and military and civil retirement payments, are scheduled to go out in the first two days of June, according to an analysis by the Bipartisan Policy Center.
If Perry and his cohorts in Congress are successful in their efforts to stop us from raising the debt limit, those payments will not go out, and the results could be catastrophic for our country, and especially devastating to for the Americans who are depending on those benefits.
To hear Perry proudly gloat about his role in the debt ceiling crisis, click here (from about 22:30).
To read more about those who will be the first to feel the effects of default, click here.
If you've heard enough, and had enough, click here to support our campaign.