
Dear John,

As you probably know, President Biden wants to borrow hundreds of billions of dollars to “forgive” the student loans taken out by others and make you pay for them. So, whether you didn’t go to college or worked hard to pay off your student loans, you will be on the hook for millions of other Americans’ decisions to take on more debt than they can afford.

Today, the House of Representatives passed my resolution that would STOP the illegal and patently unfair student loan transfer scheme.


I wrote and pushed for this legislation because I believe we should put every Congressional Democrat on record for their support of this scheme. So, I look forward to the Senate taking up this resolution and sending it to President Biden’s desk.

You can rest assured that I will keep working hard to hold President Biden and every big government politician accountable for their reckless spending. We simply must put this country back on a path to fiscal sanity.

For God and Country,


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