Hi John,
We threw down the gauntlet.

The Arizona Senate is taking a stand against foreign made election machines. 

This is Senator Wendy Rogers, Chairman of the Elections Committee of the Arizona Senate. If you approve of the strong actions we are taking, help me make these changes!

The Arizona Senate is reclaiming our Constitutional powers to govern the elections in Arizona!
Gateway Pundit has the story:

Article 1 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution gives State Legislatures the power to “regulate the ‘Times, Places and Manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives.’”

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, The Arizona House and Senate passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 1037, setting official requirements for the use of electronic voting machines in the state and banning the use of those that use foreign components.

This resolution also requires the source code used in any computerized voting machine for federal elections to be made available to the public.

This Resolution bypassed the Governor and was transmitted directly to the Secretary of State’s office. If the Secretary of State and Arizona Counties do not comply with this new rule, the Legislature can and likely will sue.

Borrelli sent the following letter to all Arizona County Supervisor Chairmen:

Dear Chair,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the latest update from the 56° Legislature, First Regular Session on necessary national security measures. A press release issued by the office of the United States Secretary of Homeland Security on January 17, 2017, clearly states the designation of election infrastructure. Election infrastructure is critical infrastructure. The obvious reason for this is because elections have a major impact on national security. It’s vital that the State of Arizona complies with that inherent intent from the federal government and works to ensure a system of cybersecurity and oversight is established within every political subdivision. The passage of Senate Bill 1074 (SB 1074) would have fulfilled those requirements to protect critical infrastructure.

Unfortunately, the Governor chose to veto SB 1074. As a result, she’s exposing our electronic voting systems, which are made with components from countries considered adversaries to the U.S., to attacks and putting Arizona as well as the rest of the nation in an extremely vulnerable and dangerous position.

Accordingly, with the passage of Senate Concurrent Resolution 1037 (SCR 1037) by the Legislature and transmission to the Secretary of State on April 3, 2023, it is now incumbent upon the Legislature to exercise our plenary authority. Enshrined in Article I, Section 4, Clause I of the United States Constitution, “times, places and manner” of conducting federal elections specifically conveys electronic voting syste
ms (manner) are not mandated in statute to be used as a primary method for counting, tabulating or verification.

Therefore, be it resolved by the Fifty-Sixth Legislature, First Regular Session, no electronic voting systems in the state of Arizona may be used as the primary method for conducting, counting, tabulating. or verifying federal elections, unless those systems meet the requirements set forth in SCR 1037.
No more foreign made machines. We have made a stand!

We are bypassing Crooked Katie Hobbs. We are making actual election integrity reform happen! But the Fake News media has gone apoplectic with rage. If we are to win the public relations war in Arizona, we need to go over the heads of the Fake News media and for that I need your help!

I am helping give you REAL progress. Your help is more crucial now than ever!

America First,
Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 7th Legislative District
P.S. Arizona is paying attention to how well I can raise money - and how many patriots can support me. Will you help me show them how serious we are about election integrity?

Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
Copyright © 2023 Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate, All rights reserved.

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