Nameless, faceless donors who lurk in the shadows are spending millions of dollars to stop President Trump from winning the White House. |
But more than that, they’re spending that money to stop YOU from having a voice in the White House. |
These special interest donors are used to having a puppet in the White House who does their bidding and keeps the system rigged in their favor. |
The idea that President Trump could return to the White House and once again FIGHT for the Silent Majority fills them with blinding rage. |
That’s why they’re going out of their way to stop President Trump, even if it means they give Crooked Joe 4 more years in the White House. |
These globalist special interest donors would even rather have a Democrat President than a political outsider like President Trump who puts AMERICA first. |
But today, the Silent Majority will show the world that the American people are still sovereign in America. |
It’s not the size of your donation that matters, but the number of patriots in our ranks standing shoulder-to-shoulder to save our country from the globalist cabal… |
…Because together, our movement can outraise even the biggest special interest donors on the face of the planet. |