Here are our top read posts:

Everything has a cost. And this week's top posts highlight the price of some of the region's most important plans, prospects, and missed opportunities. The articles span the past, present, and future, but you get to read them all right now. Enjoy! 

Why the Red Line doesn’t run over Rock Creek

By David Alpert (Executive Director) • February 5, 2020

Early plans considered putting trains inside the Taft Bridge between Dupont Circle and Woodley Park.

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Maryland’s growing case for MARC to Virginia

By Alex Holt (Maryland Correspondent) • February 5, 2020

If Maryland lawmakers consider expanding their state’s commuter train service into Virginia, they’ll find that some stubborn hurdles still stand in the way—but also that the prospects suddenly look brighter than at any time in recent memory.

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Widening I-95 won’t fix traffic woes, Virginia says

By Canaan Merchant (Elections Committee) • February 4, 2020

If you want to ease congestion and improve travel times on Interstate 95, widening the roads won’t do the trick.

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Look how pretty transit tickets were in 1937

By Dan Malouff (Board of Directors, Editorial Board) • February 6, 2020

Cool transit find of the week: This Capital Transit Company ticket from 83 years ago, featuring robins and cherry blossoms.

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What’s the cost of more highways in Maryland?

By Dan Reed (Editorial Board) • February 3, 2020

If the question is how do we reduce traffic congestion, the answer will usually involve building more highways. Perhaps we should ask whether can we afford the costs of building more highways.

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