Let’s be honest– the number of bad internet bills being considered by Congress and across state houses right now is daunting.1 Seemingly every day, another bill attacking end-to-end encryption or enabling censorship of LGBTQ+ resources pops up out of the woodworks.2,3
The situation is dire, but I’m still hopeful. Why? Because we’re not giving up.
We’re launching badinternetbills.com because we want to get to the point. And make things simple. Who has time to sign a petition for each new restrictive internet bill that pops up in Congress?
Take Action
You can take action on ALL of the bad internet bills we’re working against: with one easy click, on one site. One website to end them all. Can you take a minute and express your opposition to harmful bills like EARN IT 4, KOSA5, and STOP CSAM6?
We’re going to keep the site updated with new bills as they surface. It’s an uphill battle, but we’re prepared for the fight.
Sarah P at Fight
P.S. We need to spread the word about these harmful bills and badinternetbills.com is an easy tool to make this happen. Can you take the extra step and share the site on social media or with friends? It’s quick, and easy, but super important to defeating these bills.
The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/5/23712443/kosa-earn-it-coppa-child-privacy-data-tiktok-blackburn-blumenthal
EFF on Earn It: https://www.eff.org/pl/deeplinks/2022/02/its-back-senators-want-earn-it-bill-scan-all-online-messages
Evan Greer on KOSA: https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5v9b7/lgbtq-youth-are-under-attack-why-are-democrats-pushing-a-bill-that-hurts-them-even-more
EARN IT Act: https://www.noearnitact.org/
KOSA: https://www.stopkosa.com/
STOP CSAM: https://wp.fftf.computer/defend-encryption-say-no-to-stop-csam/