Save Our Sequoias Act moves through committee; Earth Day outreach produces big bump in new CCL members 

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  CCL Weekly Briefing, May 24, 2023
Table of Contents:
Our asks during D.C. lobbying 
Take action this week
Featured: Lutheran Action Team
Upcoming trainings 
Nearly 1,000 CCLers
heading to D.C. Here's
what we're lobbying for 


With less than three weeks until CCL's conference and lobby day (June 10-13), we're excited to report that nearly a thousand climate advocates will converge on our nation's capital to connect with each other, learn new skills and policies, and make their voices heard in support of climate solutions.

So, what will we be asking for on the Hill?

In a special training last week, CCL VP of Government Affairs Ben Pendergrass and CCL Senior Director of Government Affairs Jennifer Tyler went over the primary and supporting asks that volunteers will make in their lobby meetings. Interest was high, as 299 CCLers attended the training to get up to speed on our requests.

Permitting reform leads the list — these updates are critical if we’re going to make the clean energy transition happen fast enough to meet our climate targets. Carbon pricing is another primary ask, with a request to cosponsor the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.

Depending on who our volunteers are meeting with, they may want to go beyond the primary asks. In those situations, we have supporting asks for additional bills, like the Reinvesting in Shoreline Economies and Ecosystems (RISEE) Act or the Save Our Sequoias Act.

For a full briefing on the primary and supporting asks we're taking to the Hill, check out the training from Ben and Jenn.


In other news this week:

• Save our Sequoias Act: This bipartisan bill (H.R. 2989) to protect giant redwoods passed the Natural Resources Committee on May 17. Lead cosponsor Rep. Scott Peters tweeted about its progress.

• Earth Day brings a wave of recruitment: Last month, CCL saw a big bump in the number of new members, thanks to the 837 outreach events volunteers held around Earth Day. Check out a recap and photos of this amazing outreach in our recent blog

• Info session in Spanish: In addition to our weekly info session offered in English, CCL holds a Spanish-language version each quarter. The next Spanish info session is May 30. RSVP on CCL Community or on Eventbrite, and share with anyone who might be interested. 

Take action this week 

If you have a little time: Contact Congress about the Energy Innovation Act. Our favorite carbon pricing bill — the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act — is expected to be reintroduced into the House soon. Let’s make sure Congress hears loud and clear that their constituents already love this legislation! Visit to email your members of Congress today.

If you have more time: Attend CCL’s info session to get plugged in. You’re concerned about climate change and want to do something to help — but maybe you’re not sure how to get started. That’s why we host a weekly info session! Join the live call tonight at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT or catch the recording anytime. You’ll learn what CCL is all about and how you can move Congress forward on major climate action. Join us!
Featured this week: Lutheran Action Team

The Lutheran Action Team is made up of CCL volunteers across the country who are affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the largest Lutheran denomination in the U.S. One team member, Jim Martin-Schramm from Northeast Iowa, was the principal author of a church document titled “Earth’s Climate Crisis.” Just last month, this document was adopted unanimously by the national ELCA Church Council.

The message asks and answers questions such as “How are Christians called to care for creation?” and “Where do we find hope and power for facing climate change?” It includes figures from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association and information from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, urging the church to “faithful and fervent action.” 

The document will be finalized in the fall, and work will be done to distribute it widely among the church body. Great work, Jim and the Lutheran Action Team!

CCL has Action Teams in a variety of topic areas — agriculture, business outreach, faith groups, and more. If you're not connected with your local CCL chapter, see if one of our action teams is a fit for you.

Upcoming trainings 

5/25: Lobbying Basics: Transformative Power of Constituent Advocacy - Attend this session to learn about constituent advocacy and hear stories from CCL volunteers about how they build meaningful, long-term relationships with their congressional office. Join us!

6/1: Leading a Lobby Team - This training will review the role of a lobby team leader, how to assign team roles, how to coordinate practice times, and how to handle other special situations in meetings with congressional offices. Join us!

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

5/30: Media Basics - Join CCL's State and Local Media Coordinator Charlotte Ward for a training on CCL's media resources. You’ll learn about customizing and submitting CCL’s op-ed templates, asking editorial boards for an editorial, writing local letters to the editor, and more. RSVP here.

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL.


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