We know that mainstream media sources in our state too often operate as a communications arm of the
Democrat Party. These same media outlets rarely criticize the dominant Democrat politicians in our state, and they often omit key facts from a story
to cover for the far Left.
A recent article in the Seattle Times highlighted how this type of bias finds its way into how reporters chose to describe a
highly controversial new law passed by the state Legislature. For those who have not followed the debate, Senate Bill 5599 allows the state
to hide transgender medical procedures for minors without parental consent. It removes parents’ ability to intervene by allowing the state to
hide the location of children from their parents.
Democrats in Olympia passed this law just as nations like Sweden, Finland, England, and Norway have all backtracked
from their embrace of transgender procedures on minors. Looking at the evidence of the devastating impact of so-called “gender-affirming”
care on their youth, these nations have now passed laws protecting minors from what are now recognized as highly experimental and dangerous
Washington Democrats do not believe minors must be protected from experimental, life-altering medical procedures. No – for them, minors must be
protected from the parents who might object to the irreversible damage.
And the Seattle Times blindly agrees. Here’s the
story they ran:
Look at both the headline and the lead paragraph to see how some local media see this
debate. “Protected from parents.” Let that sink in.
For quite a while, The Seattle Times has revealed its
extreme bias. But running this story to provide Democrats’ cover on such a controversial subject exposes just how far they are willing to go to
make excuses for the far Left.
We here at Shift WA recognize that you can no longer trust mainstream media outlets
to provide voters with the whole story during election season. That’s why we are again working to put together a voters’ guide with
questions to ask candidates.
Thank you,
The Shift WA team