News from Representative Allred


Dear Friend,

It’s been one year since the tragic elementary school massacre in Uvalde, Texas. My heart is heavy as we remember the 19 children and two teachers whose lives were taken one year ago. As a parent, I cannot fathom their grief as we mark this dark day. 

I know we do not have to live like this. We shouldn’t only offer our thoughts and prayers, but we also must act. I took to the House floor to urge my colleagues to come together and act to reduce gun violence and save lives. 

Click to watch Rep. Colin Allred’s speech honoring the Uvalde victims and urging unity for gun safety reform. 

I refuse to accept that the murder of children in schools, people in shopping malls, movie theaters or grocery stores is commonplace in our state. That’s not my Texas. Last year, I helped pass the first piece of gun safety legislation in three decades. It was a start, and I will keep fighting to build on that progress and pass commonsense measures like universal background checks, red flag laws which help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals and raising the minimum purchasing age on assault-style weapons to 21. 

We have to work together to save lives. 


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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