In just a few years, Trump’s horrendous Supreme Court justices have wreaked havoc on our civil rights.
They’ve gutted the Voting Rights Act. Overturned Roe v. Wade. Overturned COVID protections. Decimated workers’ protections. Reinstated racist immigration policy.
And considering that Neil Gorsuch is 55, Brett Kavanaugh is 58, and Amy Coney Barrett is 51, we are looking at decades more of their corrupt decision-making -- unless Congress does its constitutional duty and expands the court to minimize their impact.
Join our coalition petition and call on Congress to expand the court!
The Constitution is clear -- Congress has the right to determine the makeup of the Supreme Court, and the body has actually changed the number of justices seven times in American history.
It’s never been more urgent, as corruption is rampant in the current court. Clarence Thomas has accepted millions of dollars in gifts from a Republican mega donor.(1) John Roberts’ wife is paid millions by firms who have cases before the court.(2) Neil Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett refused to recuse themselves from cases in which they had conflicts of interest.(3)
And now this Trump-dominated court is determined to strip us of our freedoms and rights, and unless Congress acts, they will succeed.
We need to collect hundreds of thousands signatures, demanding that Congress act to rein in this rogue court. Will you sign?
Thank you for joining the fight.
–Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Lindsay, Mai, and Scottie (the Courage team)
Footnotes: 1. 2. 3.