Today is the day we've all been waiting for. It's polling day!
For the last three weeks we have mobilised together and supported each other to make sure climate action is at the heart of this general election.
But this is just the beginning - we still have a lot of work to do.
Can you help out?
Yes, I can chip in.
No matter who gets into government, we need to make sure every single TD and party follows through and commits to faster and fairer climate action.
One Future asked three climate experts to score every political party's manifesto against the 9 policy demands - the results were clear, none of the political parties scored high enough to ensure fast enough or fair enough climate action.
However, because of your campaigning five party leaders have signed up to our demands! Every canvass, conversation, email and social media post - made this happen.
Together we can build and continue to change the conversation. It's not over. After this election, we need to keep the pressure on.
One Future is the people's campaign, and we've seen people take amazing actions across the country. We want to be able to continue to support and connect people in taking action together.
Can you donate now, so we have the resources and backing to continue this campaign?
Yes, I'll back One Future!
In this short time, One Future has made great waves!
70 organisations, from NGOs to grassroots activist groups across women's, youth, faith, environmental and overseas aid sectors, have signed up to support One Future for faster and fairer climate action.
300 One Future 'Canvass for Climate' packs were sent out across the country for distributing materials in communities - kick starting many important climate conversations between friends, families and most importantly with election candidates.
800 people took the One Future online action, sending 10,000 emails directly to candidates asking them to sign the climate pledge.
Party leaders from Solidarity / People Before Profit, Labour, Sinn Féin, The Green Party and Social Democrats have signed the climate pledge on behalf of their parties.
You helped make this happen, thank you!
We want to keep the door open, and make sure everyone's voice is heard so that climate policy and action leaves nobody behind. What we've seen this month shows us that this could be huge. But without your backing, we can't promise anything just yet.
This has been an incredible few weeks, let's keep it going!
Áine, and everyone at One Future
One Future is reliant on people like you to keep the pressure on government for faster and fairer climate action. Chip in now to keep the campaign alive!
Donate now
One Future is hosted by the Stop Climate Chaos coalition. All donations made will go straight into the One Future campaign.