Rahm Emanuel -- a conservative Democrat -- said Pete Buttigieg looked like a "deer in the headlights" when talking about race.

But Elizabeth Warren gave this AMAZING answer, showing her ability to authentically lead and build a coalition needed to win.

Watch here. Then, endorse Elizabeth Warren to be our next president.

Turn on images.

Most debate moments will be forgotten in a day. Warren calling out generations of systemic racism, and calling out Pete Buttigieg for perpetuating systemic racism in South Bend, will be remembered by millions of Americans for years to come.

Even Rahm Emanuel -- a conservative Democrat who should be rooting for Pete -- said he looked like a "deer in the headlines" when talking about race.

THEN, WARREN GAVE THIS AMAZING ANSWER showing her ability to authentically lead and build a coalition needed to win. Watch. Then, endorse Elizabeth Warren to be our next president.

(Then, donate to her New Hampshire Get Out The Vote mobilization here.)

If you are supporting someone else, please say who here.

This is the moment people will remember for years:

MODERATOR: Senator Warren, is that a substantial answer from Mayor Buttigieg?

WARREN: No. You have to own up to the facts. And it's important to own up to the facts about how race permeated our Justice system. For the exact same crime, study after study shows African-Americans are more likely than whites to be detained, arrested, to be taken to trial, convicted and receive harsher sentences. We need to rework our Justice system from the very front end and how we help people come back into the community. But we cannot just say criminal justice is the only time we want to talk about race specifically. We need to start having race conscious laws. Housing, for example. I have a great housing plan to build more housing in America. But understand, it was the policy of the United States of America to discriminate against African-Americans and any other people of color for buying homes until 1965. You can't just repeal that and say, okay, now everything is even. It's not. We need race conscious laws in education, in employment, in entrepreneurship to make this country a country of opportunity for everyone.

If you're ready to endorse Elizabeth Warren and become part of the momentum to make her president, click here.

(Then, donate to her New Hampshire Get Out The Vote mobilization here.)

If you are supporting someone else, please say who here.

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-- The PCCC Elections Team

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