Ilhan for Congress

One $5 donation.

That's what we're asking you to give today to stand with Ilhan Omar and our campaign. We'll explain more in just a second, but if that's all you need to read, please use this link:

Here's the situation:

As you probably know, in all of Ilhan's previous campaigns she's fought back against millions of dollars in outside spending to win.

Super PACs and dark money groups pulled out all the stops — we're talking bigoted ads flooding the airwaves, digital ads on social media and Youtube, attack mailers in every mailbox — the whole nine yards.

If we're going to have the resources to fight back again and avoid getting pummeled by the attack ads, the lies, and the special interest dollars that pay for them, we need to invest in our campaign early. Because we know they're coming — it's just a matter of time.

Your $5 donation today will go a long way toward making sure we have what it takes — are you in?

Please use this link and chip in $5 or anything you can to stand with Ilhan and our people-powered campaign today.

Sincerely, thank you. For your donation, being a part of this movement, and for everything you do for Ilhan.

- Team Ilhan



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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033