Ground Game Texas

Did you see the email below, friend?

Marijuana could be a major key to flipping Texas. 

More than 80% of Texans support loosening marijuana laws—but Greg Abbott and his buddies in the legislature have blocked reforms.

We’ve launched 7 campaigns to decriminalize marijuana across Texas—and all 7 have passed. On top of that, these campaigns have helped us register and turnout tens of thousands of voters—particularly young and infrequent voters.

Help us continue to deliver results on marijuana – chip in $10 or $20 to help us register, organize, and mobilize Texans around progressive change on marijuana.

Thank you,

Julie Oliver
Ground Game Texas

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ground Game Texas <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, May 17, 2023 at 5:06 PM
Subject: We’re 7-for-7 on weed


Ground Game Texas is 7-for-7 when it comes to passing marijuana decriminalization initiatives in Texas.

From day one, Ground Game knew that ballot initiatives on marijuana would be popular and galvanizing for voters. 

That’s why we’ve launched seven marijuana campaigns across Texas. These campaigns have allowed us to register and engage thousands of new voters—including young and infrequent voters who see this issue as commonsense.

We can flip Texas if we organize year-round community-by-community around popular issues like marijuana. Help us get it done – chip in $25 or whatever you can afford to help us decriminalize marijuana and organize Texas around progressive change.

Chip In! >>

Team, marijuana legalization is extremely popular, nationwide and in Texas. In fact, polls show 4 out of 5 Texans support decriminalizing marijuana.

This is such important work. It’s not only smart policy, it’s smart politics too. 

By launching marijuana decriminalization campaigns, we can register and mobilize tons of new voters—including young and infrequent voters who will help flip Texas. That’s why many of our campaigns have been in big cities, rural communities, and college towns.

Help power our work to decriminalize marijuana and flip Texas—chip in $25 or whatever you can to help us get it done.

Thank you,

Ground Game Texas