Dear Friend,
📣 Announcement: Hitting the road to Stop David Parker's proposed
Central Planning Committees ✋
Thanks to the generous support of thousands of New
Zealanders like you, the
Taxpayers' Union is hitting to the road to fight David
Parker's proposal to replace the Resource Management Act (and your
local council) with co-governed Central Planning
here to add your name to Hands Off Our Homes! petition and
we'll email you when we're coming to your town or city.

With your help, we'll be ensuring local communities know that David
Parker is trying to remove planning powers from local democratic
control to put them into unaccountable, co-governed, "Three
Waters-style" Regional Planning Committees.
We are delighted that nine of these events will be
co-hosted with our friends at Federated
Farmers who have also been vocal opponents of these
changes which will pile even more costs and red tape onto hard-working
New Zealand farmers.
Friend, many councils
(plus councillors and Mayors) have not woken up to the fact that these
new proposed laws effectively gut the power of elected officials and
communities to determine what can be build where.
We have to make sure councils wake up to fight this (like
most did for Three Waters) if we are to ensure the public understand
what is going on, and force Chris Hipkins to u-turn on this policy
before the election.
30 events in 30 towns and cities, starting Monday
We’ve decked out a van with Hands Off Our Homes! branding,
teamed up with our friends at Federated Farmers, and will hit
the road on Monday for old-fashioned soapbox events and town hall
meetings across both islands. We are asking local leaders to
come and speak out against David Parker’s power grab.
Our first event is on Monday in Christchurch at 6 pm in
the Waimairi Road Community Centre.
We'll be updating the itinerary at and
on our
Facebook page. We are still adding events so if you're able
to help out with an event in your town, please do drop us a line (hit
reply to this email).
Friend, if you thought Three Waters was bad, wait til you hear
about David Parker's plan to gut the democratic control of what you
can build and where
With the election less than 150 days away, it is vital we get the
word out on what the Government is trying to sneak through.
Come along to hear
about what the Central Planning Committees will mean for you and what
you can do with your home/business/farm.

Can't make your local event? You can still do your part to Stop
Central Planning Committees
Taking our grassroots campaign on the road means we're relying on
you and the tens of thousands who are supporting this effort. Only by
working together can we beat the Government's plans to seize planning
powers from local communities. Please take a minute to:
Print and post the roadshow poster on community
noticeboards and shop windows (after getting permission, of
>>> Share the poster on
Share the official Hands Off Our
Homes! petition
Buy a yard sign or banner to display in
your garden or at the side of the road (make sure you have permission
if it's not on your own land)
>>> Donate to the Stop Central
Planning Committees fund (these RMA reforms will be
expensive, but so too is 4,000 kilometres of fuel!)
Most importantly, come and say hi to the team, or pick up a stack
of petition pamphlets to deliver to friends and neighbours. We have
plenty of Hands Off Our Homes! merchandise and we want you to
take it!

We can’t wait to see you and work together with local communities
and mayors to Stop Central Planning Committees.
Thank you for your support.
Williams Executive Director New Zealand Taxpayers’
List of events as it stands today:
Christchurch @ 29 May, 6PM
Road Community Centre 166 Waimairi Road, Ilam, Christchurch,
Rolleston @ 30 May, 10:30AM
Tennyson Street, outside the Te Ara Ātea Library
Ashburton @ 30 May, 6PM
by our friends, Federated Farmers Ashburton Club &
MSA 115 Racehorse Road, Allenton, Ashburton, 7700
Wanaka @ 31 May, 12PM
47 Ardmore
Street, outside the Council offices
Alexandra @ 31 May, 6PM
Co-hosted by our
friends, Federated Farmers Alexandra
Community Centre 14/20 Centennial Avenue, Alexandra, 9320
Balclutha @ 1 June,
South Otago Town & Country Club 1 Yarmouth
Avenue, Balclutha, 9200
Gore @ 1 June, 6PM
Co-hosted by our friends,
Federated Farmers Croydon Lodge - The Trust Room and Lager
Bar 100 Waimea Street, Croydon, Gore, 9776
Invercargill @ 2 June,
Co-hosted by our friends, Federated
Farmers Invercargill Workingmen's Club
- Corinthian Conventions Centre 154 Esk Street, Invercargill,
Dunedin @ 3 June, 11:30AM
Oamaru @ 3 June, 3:30PM
20 Thames
Street, outside the Council offices
Timaru @ 4 June, 9:30AM
2 King George
Place, outside the Council offices
Nelson @ 6 June, 10AM
At the bottom of the
Cathedral steps 1 Upper Trafalgar Street, Nelson, 7010
Blenheim @ 6 June, 3:30PM
Square, 16 High Street, outside the Council offices
Wellington @ 7 June, 6PM
Academy Galleries 1
Queens Wharf, Wellington CBD, Wellington, 6011
Lower Hutt @ 8 June, 10AM
26 Laings
Rd, outside the Council offices
Masterton @ 8 June, 6PM
Co-hosted by our
friends, Federated Farmers Landsdowne House 15 Keirs
Street, Landsdowne, Masterton, 5810
Palmerston North @ 9 June, 6PM
Co-hosted by
our friends, Federated Farmers Palmerston North Community
Leisure Centre - The Neville Butler Exhibition Hall 569 Ferguson
Street, Terrace End, Palmerston North, 4410
Whanganui @ 10 June, 6PM
Co-hosted by our
friends, Federated Farmers War Memorial Centre - The
Concert Chamber Watt Street, Whanganui, 4500
Hastings @ 11 June, 11:30AM
207 Lyndon Road East,
outside the Council offices
Napier @ 11 June, 3PM
159 Dalton Street, outside
the Council offices
Taupo @ 12 June, 12:30PM
30 Tongariro Street,
outside the Council offices
New Plymouth @ 13 June, 10:30AM
Co-hosted by
our friends, Federated Farmers Pukekura Function Centre
- La Mer Lounge New Plymouth Raceway, Rogan Street, Pukekura, New
Plymouth, 4310
Te Awamutu @ 13 June, 6PM
Co-hosted by our
friends, Federated Farmers Te Awamutu Golf Clubs 2293
Kihikihi Road, Te Awamutu 3800
Hamilton/Mystery Creek Fieldays @ 14-17
June, 8:30AM - 5:00PM each day
Rural Living Marquee,
125 Mystery Creek Road
- Rotorua @ 18 June, 1PM
Outside Rotorua
Museum/Bathhouse Government Gardens, Oruawhata Drive, Rotorua
- Tauranga @ 19 June, 6PM
Classic Flyers
Museum Hangar 9 Jean Batten Drive, Mount Maunganui
Auckland @ 20 June, 6:30PM
Ellerslie Event
Centre - The Guinness Room 1 100 Ascot Avenue, Ellerslie, Auckland
Pukekohe @ 21 June, 12:15PM
Indian Community Centre, 59 Ward Street, Pukekohe,
Mangawhai @ 22 June, 10AM
The Hub shops, 6
Molesworth Dr, outside the Council offices
Whangarei @ 22 June, 1.30PM
Town Basin, outside
Claphams Clock Museum 32 Dent Street, Quayside, Town Basin,