White Coat Waste Project
Taxpayer, this is a REALLY BIG DEAL!!! Thanks to your
generous support, the FDA just agreed to enact the FIRST-EVER
retirement policy for its lab animals!
We never want to see you go.
But if you want to unsubscribe, just click
I want you to see this first:
BREAKING: the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just agreed to
enact its first-ever agency-wide policy allowing for retirement
of lab testing survivors!
This is a big deal. FDA experiments on and kills
over 2,000 primates, rabbits, and more each
year. But FDA hasn't retired any survivors apart from 26 squirrel
monkeys we released after WCW shut down its now-defunct nicotine
This HISTORIC win follows our other successful campaigns to make
the National Institutes of Health and the Dept. of Veterans
Affairs #GiveThemBack to taxpayers.
Next up? We'll de-fund and defeat the Dept. of Justice's live
tissue torture.
And it's all thanks to your support for WCW, Taxpayer!
We asked you to step up. You did. And so did thousands of
outraged taxpayers with an average gift of just $22.
Now, thanks to you, FDA won't slaughter and incinerate its
adoptable dogs, cats, primates and other survivors much longer.
So Taxpayer, please read The Hill's coverage below. Then share
with 10 of your friends!
Show them how you're cleaning up the government's waste... and
saving lives.
Anthony Bellotti
President | Founder
White Coat Waste Project
New FDA policy allows
lab animals to be adopted after experiments
Lab animals used for research by the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) have a new lease on life.
A recent policy change by the federal agency now permits the
adoption, transfer and retirement of healthy animals to shelters
and sanctuaries after they've been involved in lab experiments.
Animals were previously euthanized after being used in
The policy took effect in November, according to documents
obtained by The Hill, but had not been previously disclosed by
the FDA.
"The FDA has an internal policy for the placement of research
animals after study completion that has not been made public,"
Monique Richards, an agency spokeswoman, told The Hill.
Species affected by the rule change include common pets such as
dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs, as well as some farm
The move follows similar actions taken by the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
and was praised by lawmakers on Capitol Hill who are pushing for
legislation to protect lab animals used in federal research.
"There is no reason why regulated research animals that are
suitable for adoption or retirement should be killed by our
federal agencies," Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said in a
statement to The Hill. "I'm pleased that the FDA has joined the
NIH and VA in enacting a lab animal retirement policy."
Collins introduced the Animal Freedom from Testing, Experiments
and Research (AFTER) Act in 2019. The bipartisan measure has
eight co-sponsors, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), but
has not advanced out of committee.
The legislation, which has a companion bill in the House, would
require federal laboratories to place certain animals in rescue
shelters and retirement sanctuaries after experimentation and
research studies are completed.
"For years, I've worked to end outdated government animal testing
opposed by most Americans, and have been disturbed at how many
animals are killed at the end of research even though there are
individuals, rescues, and sanctuaries ready to take them in,"
Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.), sponsor of the House measure, said in
a statement. "Having introduced the AFTER Act to require federal
agencies to allow lab animal adoption, I am very happy with the
FDA's new policy allowing healthy dogs, primates, rabbits and
other animals to be retired after research."
Boyle's bill has 13 Republicans among its 61 co-sponsors. The
measure would extend policies like the new one at the FDA to
other government agencies.
In fiscal 2018, the FDA reported that 1,929 Animal Welfare
Council-regulated animals were used or bred for experiments. At
least 27 percent of the animals experienced some type of pain or
distress during the experiments, according to agency records.
Despite the trauma that the animals experience, they can still
"thrive" after being released from the lab, said Justin Goodman,
vice president of advocacy and public policy for the White Coat
Waste Project, a group that aims to stop taxpayer-funded
experiments involving animals.
"Animals who are going to be adopted out are going to need to go
to families or rescues and sanctuaries that are going to have the
time and patience and expertise to help them adjust," Goodman
said, adding that most of the affected animals have never been
outside before.
Goodman's group was instrumental in changing the policies at NIH
and the VA. White Coat's board members include the Scottish-born
actress and producer Louise Linton, who's married to Treasury
Secretary Steven Mnuchin and a supporter of the legislation
introduced by Collins and Boyle.
"The FDA should be a role model for other federal agencies that
are experimenting on animals, but have not yet agreed to allow
them to be released at the end of testing," Goodman said. "So, we
do hope that this is what other agencies will follow suit with
the FDA, NIH and VA who have already done this."
The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of
Agriculture are among the government agencies that haven't set
policies for releasing animals after testing.
FDA's first initiative to retire lab animals came in January
2018, when it retired 26 squirrel monkeys involved in a nicotine
study. The monkeys were relocated to Florida, where they've been
kept indoors in order to adjust to the change in environment.
They are slated to be relocated outdoors this month.
Lawmakers who support the AFTER Act say they hope to see other
agencies take similar steps in the near future.
"Animals used in taxpayer-funded laboratory research should have
the opportunity to be humanely relocated after they are no longer
needed," said Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.).
To stop taxpayer-funded
animal tests, we must first stop the $15 billion+ in wasteful
government spending.
We find, expose, and
de-fund wasteful government spending on animal experiments. To
change public policy, we unite liberty lovers and animal lovers
with hard-hitting investigations and public policy campaigns.
PO Box
Washington, DC 20001
White Coat Waste
Project is a 501(c)(3) bipartisan coalition.
Contributions are
Paid for by
The White Coat Waste
Project, INC.
EIN 46-0856543
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