Membership Alert: The Con is On With George Gascon
Dear Members,
As you know, the League has endorsed Jackie Lacey for Los Angeles County District Attorney and is opposing George Gascon. This week, we released the television ad below, which will begin to play on Los Angeles area TV today. 
In a bizarre act of desperation, Gascon has labeled the ad as “racist” and has labeled the League as racist. Of course, in less than 24 hours, Gascon is turning his claim of racism into a fundraising appeal. No surprises there. 

We have responded to this ridiculous claim with a new post on our Blog. You can read that blog by clicking the button below.  
Share the ad with your friends and family on social media. It’s important to get the word out. Because like our ad says, the con is definitely on with George Gascon.

Very truly yours,

Los Angeles Police Protective League
About the LAPPL Formed in 1923, the Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL) represents the more than 9,900 dedicated and professional sworn members of the Los Angeles Police Department. The LAPPL serves to advance the interests of LAPD officers through legislative and legal advocacy, political action and education. The LAPPL can be found on the Web at