When your house is on fire, it's an emergency: You don't wring your hands and complain. You run, find safety, and call 911.
America is facing a corruption emergency – but politicians aren't acting like it. Voters rate political corruption as America's biggest crisis, and yet strong anti-corruption laws are mired in partisan squabbling and most major presidential candidates have unveiled no plans to fix it.1
It's time to do something about it. On August 6th, RepresentUs is launching Democracy911, a 600-mile walk from Atlanta to Washington, D.C. to declare a state of emergency and demand action.
I recorded a video to kick off the campaign and gather support from across the country. Will you help sound the alarm? Watch and share it now.

Democracy911 will begin on Tuesday, August 6th — the 54th anniversary of the 1965 Voting Rights Act — in Atlanta, Georgia. Fifty days later, we'll arrive in D.C. on National Voter Registration Day.
There, we will sit on the steps of the Capitol building until:
- All major presidential candidates pledge to act on reforms to #FixDemocracyFirst in the first month of their administration; or
- The U.S. Senate passes a bi-partisan alternative to HR1 (the For the People Act) implementing reforms to protect the right to vote, make elections secure and competitive, and end political corruption.
In the history of this country, the demands of the many have outweighed the injustice of the few – but only when thousands of us spoke with a united voice.
Please join me in launching this campaign by sharing the video. If millions of us hear about Democracy911, and thousands of us take part, we will win.
Thank you for being part of this campaign.
Renaldo Pearson RepresentUs
1 Real Clear Politics: "Voters Rate Political Corruption as America's Biggest Crisis"  |