Trigger Warning: State sanctioned gun violence


Yesterday morning in NYC, ICE agents shot Eric Diaz & Gasper Hernandez (Eric was shot point-blank in the face) while attempting to arrest and deport them. We were sick to our stomachs when we heard the news Friend, but felt hopeful to see hundreds of community members come together in Brooklyn to showcase resilience in the face of these attacks. ✊

New York man shot in face after interrupting ICE arrest

Tonight is the eighth Democratic debate, Friend. It is imperative that Presidential candidates speak up about the abuse Eric and Gasper suffered at the hands of ICE, and the violence inflicted by ICE all over the country. Help us make sure that candidates know about this story, speak up about it and demand an investigation. We need to make sure the violence committed by ICE doesn’t get swept under the rug. Share the story on social media with the debate hashtag tonight. We’ve made it super easy, just click on the buttons below:

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Remember Friend, no matter how many times ICE and CBP try to attack our communities, we will remain resilient in the end. Join us in showcasing this spirit by making Eric and Gasper’s story known!

Let’s remain resilient together,

Greisa and the rest of the UWD Action team

P.S. Follow our social media accounts to join our convo tonight: Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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