Hi John,
Just a reminder that tonight at 7.30pm is our Campaign Update
online. Half an hour only.
You need to register to attend this, so please do that here:
Also, you might have seen the petition I've launched about Labour's
plan to change most of our roads to 30km/hr?

Labour and NZTA are slashing speed limits across Kapiti and
Horowhenua with our councils being made to reduce our speed limits.
One option sees almost all of Paraparaumu 30km/h and the whole town
declared being a school zone. This is crazy!
And it's already increasing travel
Instead of upgrading our roads to make sure they're safe to drive
on, Labour is taking the easy way out once more with simple, blanket
speed limit reductions on all our roads that won’t actually make a
meaningful difference.
Slower travel times don’t just slow you down as you drive to work
or school, it will impact our businesses getting from A to B, and it
just adds to everyone's bottom line in the middle of a cost of living
Blanket speed limit reductions won't make our roads any safer and
will only make it slower to get around Kapiti and Horowhenua.
National opposes blanket speed limit reductions, and prefers a
targeted approach that increases genuine safety in the right places,
and improves the quality of our roads. Kiwis want safer roads, not
slower roads.
Please sign our petition to tell Labour to leave speed limits alone
and instead invest in real improvements to our roads to save
As your local candidate, I'll keep fighting and be a strong voice
on the issues that matter to Kapiti and Horowhenua.
Fundraiser with Nicola Willis
To finish the day we're holding a fundraiser in Kapiti (venue
- 6.30 - 8.30pm,
- Drinks and canapés provided,
- $100 per person,
- RSVP by return email is essential.
Payments to 01 0731 0085327 02, reference: WILLIS. And please
include your name.

I hope you can join me at these upcoming events.
Kind regards,
