Dear SPUC supporter,
SPUC’s report COMPLICIT: Is UK money contributing to coerced abortion in China? was launched at an event for MPs in Westminster on 16 March 2023.
Speakers included Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, author Fiorella Nash and SPUC’s Alithea Williams.
MPs heard how the UK Government still sends millions in aid to China, despite evidence of forced abortion and other forms of state-sponsored reproductive coercion in the country, in particular human rights abuses against the Uyghur minority.
Speaking at the event, Jacob Rees-Mogg MP thanked SPUC for its report and for exposing the funding being sent to China. “Letting people know about it is tremendously important”, he said. “How could a penny of our money be going to a regime that does this?
“That British taxpayers’ money should be used to support one of the most evil, totalitarian regimes in the world, that forces women who want to have children to abort their babies, if you don’t think that is a scandal, then what human rights abuse would you think is a scandal?”
You can read a full write-up of the event below:
How can I help spread the word?
Thank you to everyone who helped by inviting their MP to this event. But there’s still something you can do to promote this report in Parliament. Please contact your MP, sending them a copy of the report, and asking him/her to sign up to its recommendations. You can do this using our webtool (link below) – simply put in your postcode to find your MP, enter your details, edit the template and press send.
This report is very important in highlighting the horrific way that abortion is used as a tool of human rights abuse in China, and in challenging the narrative that abortion is a woman’s choice.
Thank you for campaigning with us.
Kind regards,
Michael Robinson
Executive Director
P.S – did you see Alithea’s interview with Jacob Rees-Mogg on GB News?