Are you aware of the biggest threat to America? It's a threat to the principles that made this country great.
That's right, this danger could consume every aspect of an American's life: the government, workplace, and spirituality. It is far more insidious a movement than others because of how it taps into the religious motivations within American culture.
The issue we're referring to is Identity Politics. But what is that?
Put simply, Identity Politics is an ideology that seeks to punish people simply for belonging to the wrong group. It destroys the basic American principle that all people are created equal.
Identity Politics lumps us all into broad groups, like race, gender or economic status, rather than looking at us all as individuals.
If you are part of the "wrong" group you are punished while practitioners of Identity Politics give groups they view as "favorable" more power and benefits.
And this ideology has already infiltrated various policymaking groups. It has become a core component of left-wing ideology, is integrated into numerous corporate policies, and is taught as gospel in some public and private universities.
This issue is simply too big for TFAS to tackle alone. It's become too widespread. And it means we need to educate tens of thousands of concerned citizens.
That's why we teamed up with renowned political theorist Dr. Joshua Mitchell to release an eBook with his teachings: The Religion of Identity Politics.
By educating Americans like you, we can defeat this dangerous ideology together.
So join the fight to save our country and get your free copy of The Religion of Identity Politics today!