To flip the House of Delegates we need start reaching voters NOW! Sign up to phonebank!

Dear John,


In 2021, Dems lost the VA House by 733 votes. We can put Dems back in power in Virginia, but to do that, we need to reach as many voters as possible.

Can you join us to call target voters this Wednesday at 6:30? The phonebank group meets over Zoom to support and assist each other while making calls to potential voters.

Why do we start in May? Early 📞 get results – and help recruit on-the-ground volunteers for our candidates! 🏃‍♀️🏃

Hope to see you Wednesday, and don't forget to bring a friend!


Your Sister District DC/VA/MD Leaders

Sarah, Karen, Jennie, Alan, Jim, Kara, Emma, Mary and Jeff


p.s. for other day/time options, join a National Phonebank with Sister District staff  -- sign up here!


p.p.s. can't make it? We are still in the midst of our fundraising BLITZ with a dollar-for-dollar match. Donate here!

Paid for by Sister District Project. Authorized by Joshua Cole, candidate for HD 65.