Dear John,
A closer look at the presidential candidates
The stakes couldn't be higher in the coming presidential election: The current administration has threatened our diverse student population, public education, any chance of an affordable higher education, and our healthcare. We must win in November. CFT is taking the opportunity this primary election in California to educate the candidates on our priorities. We are also working to ensure our members better understand the candidates’ platforms and positions.
AFT has created a series of helpful fact sheets that detail where the candidates stand on the issues that are important to us and our communities. The fact sheets and more can be found on CFT’s presidential election page, which includes results from CFT’s earlier member surveys on the presidential election, information about AFT’s endorsement process, and more important links and resources.
Another helpful resource is this comprehensive guide published by Politico, which enables readers to search by candidates, issues, and categories.

Momentum continues to grow for Schools and Communities First initiative
A shout out to the CFT members and allies who are putting in the hard work to gather signatures to place the Schools and Communities First initiative on the November ballot. Momentum continues to grow for the critical initiative, which will reclaim over $12 billion a year in revenue for our schools and communities.
A recent poll has shown that nearly 60% of California voters support the initiative. And just last week, working closely with CFT, California Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond formally endorsed Schools and Communities First. He’s pictured above with CFT Secretary Treasurer Luukia Smith, who had the honor of gathering his signature to get the initiative on the ballot. We are also happy to report that CFT was successful in helping earn another major endorsement, as Equality California also threw their support behind Schools And Communities First last month.
Ready to do your part to help qualify Schools and Communities First for the November ballot? Please contact your local union or your CFT Field Representative to get plugged in to our efforts to collect signatures. You can also fill out this online form, and we will help get you started.

Support Proposition 13, the statewide school safety bond
Safe schools are a fundamental promise to our children, that’s why CFT is proud to support Proposition 13, the California Public Preschool, Kindergarten, and College Health and Safety bond on the March ballot. This essential bond will invest $15 billion to make sure our school buildings are healthy, safe, and conducive to learning. For more information, click here.

Educators choice voter guide now online
CFT members who are ready to vote should make sure to check out CFT’s Educators Choice voter guide. The guide contains recommendations from CFT and our local unions on candidates and initiatives for state and local races throughout the state.