Also: Thaler outlines housing priorities ahead of FHFA oversight hearing; Biden nominates new FCC commissioner
May 23, 2023
NAFCU celebrates CUs’ commitment to military members ([link removed] )
May is Military Appreciation Month and NAFCU is celebrating the credit union industry’s commitment to providing service members, veterans, and their families with safe, secure, and reliable financial services.
NAFCU writes to HFSC ahead of FHFA oversight hearing ([link removed] )
NAFCU Vice President of Legislative Affairs Brad Thaler wrote to the House Financial Services Committee (HFSC) ahead of its Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) oversight hearing to reiterate the association’s priorities for the agency and housing finance.
POTUS nominates Gomez to fill FCC vacancy ([link removed] )
President Joe Biden has nominated Anna Gomez to serve as a commissioner for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Gomez currently serves as a senior adviser for international information and communications policy in the cyberspace and digital policy bureau of the State Department. She would fill the vacancy created in January 2021 by former FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s departure.
Considering a credit union merger? They aren’t easy.
If you're considering this last-resort option, the Credit Union Merger & Acquisition Handbook ([link removed] ) provides a step-by-step guide to completing a merger from start to finish successfully. Get a detailed approach on how to successfully complete small and large mergers, plus checklists and real-world example documents.
Try a Sneak Peek ([link removed] )
Caucus23_Skyscraper2 ([link removed] )
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([link removed] ) NAFCU NATION ([link removed] )
NAFCU CALENDAR ([link removed] )
MAY 1 -
Regulatory Compliance School On-Demand ([link removed] )
An On-Demand Event
Explore Benefits and Instant Payments Use Cases for Your Credit Union ([link removed] )
Complimentary Webinar
Maintain Your Edge by Helping Members Feel More Financially Supported ([link removed] )
Complimentary Webinar
Regulation E Compliance and Unauthorized Activity ([link removed] )
CFPB - Data Brokers ([link removed] )
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