In 2016–19, about 40 percent of Medicaid/CHIP-enrolled children faced at least one health care access barrier. Children with a foreign-born parent and noncitizens were among groups with higher unmet needs.
DC public prekindergarten leads the nation in access, but families who apply in Spanish and those who apply in English differ in their chances of securing a spot.
The potential demand for nontraditional-hour child care is higher among groups facing structural barriers to opportunities, including working families with parents who are Black or Hispanic, are immigrants, and many other groups.
The US nail salon sector largely comprises small businesses staffed by immigrants and refugees. Partnerships and sectoral boards could help build a more sustainable and equitable industry.
“The standards should create uniformity, interoperability, and comparability enabling federal data collection, reporting, and new responsibilities to enforce civil rights laws that address systems of oppression,” Urban experts commented in a public letter.