Defending and Protecting Your Individual Liberties

ICYMI | Sun Prairie Schools Charging $11,000 For Records Surrounding Locker Room Incident 

Following the “Locker Room Incident,” in which an adult biological male showered naked with four freshman girls, we sought answers and filed a public records request for the school's locker-room policy and other related documents. But now, the district is demanding $11,000 from WILL before it releases any records. 

While schools may charge some small fees known as “location costs” (and many schools waive these fees), the district is illegally charging exorbitant fees as a way to hide public records. 

🗯 WILL Deputy Counsel, Dan Lennington, stated, "The law demands more, and the district’s embrace of secrecy is an embarrassment. Students, parents, and taxpayers deserve transparency and accountability." 


📰 Joshua Q. Nelson from Fox News Online covered the latest development, read the story here. 

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NEW | WILL Criticizes City of Milwaukee’s Proposed Food Truck Ordinance 

We released a statement in response to a newly proposed City of Milwaukee ordinance that will regulate food trucks in the city and downtown area. 

Check out this map of the proposed ordinance, which would also prevent food trucks from operating between the hours of 1 AM and 6 AM in the downtown Milwaukee zone, and would establish a “seniority” system to limit access for food trucks in a second zone.

🗯 WILL Deputy Counsel, Lucas Vebber, stated, “The City of Milwaukee’s Common Council is pushing new restrictions on small business owners across the city. This proposed ordinance—specifically targeting food trucks—limits hours of sale while allowing brick and mortar restaurants to stay open. The ordinance also creates the opportunity for special carve outs for the politically connected. WILL is proud to support small business owners opposing these anti-competitive restrictions. If this ordinance is enacted, we would consider all legal options to stop these anti-competitive restrictions.” 

ℹ️ Learn more about this issue in The Center Square or watch Lucas Vebber's Fox6 interview.

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UPDATES | The Need for Healthcare Price Transparency

WILL Policy and Research DirectorsKyle Koenen and Will Flanders, PhDState Senator Mary Felzkowski and the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Right on Healthcare Director, David Balat, spoke last week on how price transparency will lower healthcare costs. 💻 Watch this discussion to learn more!

🏥 Also, we are proud to be part of a coalition of free market groups working to bring Wisconsinites more transparency and competition to healthcare. Patients deserve to know how much their healthcare is going to cost before the service. The coalition urged policymakers to co-sponsor "The Know Your Healthcare Act," read the letter here.

📰 Read this op-ed by WILL Policy Associate, Miranda Spindt, to learn more about "The Know Your Healthcare Act."

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NEW POLL | Support for School Choice is Strong and Growing

A new poll conducted by Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) Foundation–an affiliate of WMC–showed Wisconsin voters overwhelmingly believe there should be equitable funding for public, choice and charter schools.

  • 70% of Wisconsinites support School Choice
  • 59% want to close the gap

🍎 School Choice has bipartisan support in Wisconsin–earning a majority of support from Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. Read more here.

ℹ️ Learn more about the Wisconsin Coalition of Education Freedom, a broad coalition of organizations advocating for rights of parents–to ensure their children receive an education that best fits their needs.

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The work we do would not be possible without the generosity of YOU, our donors; we are a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization that receives no public funds. As a non-profit and non-partisan organization, we litigate in the areas of equality under the law, property rights, the freedom to earn a living, voting rights, regulation, taxation, school choice, and religious freedom. As an educational organization, we strive to advance the debate concerning law and public policy in these and other areas.

Please consider making a donation to secure the blessings of liberty and to defend freedom. 🇺🇸

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