CALLING ALL CALIFORNIA GUN OWNERS - IT'S TIME TO CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS!There are some pretty nasty anti-2A bills moving through the California Senate and Assembly that need your immediate response.


There are some pretty nasty anti-2A bills moving through the California Senate and Assembly that need your immediate response.  Our GOC Legislative Action Center makes it easy to contact your local legislators - we can even help you with verbiage.

There is a bill trying to destroy a major sector of manufacturing by - and you're not going to believe this - making CNC machines illegal because they can be used to create firearms. Next they'll be trying to legislate fingers because they can pull triggers!

Another bill tries to further poke into sales of firearms between private parties, and yet another puts unreasonable demands on firearms dealers to store guns to protect people from themselves.  Of particular interest is the continuing attempt by the California legislature to infringe on the California populace's right to concealed carry.

Please act now and help us fight these anti-2A bills by clicking here

And, meanwhile in the rest of the U.S.... 

Millions of Americans are About to Become Felons | Townhall
Great opinion piece from GOA’s Senior VP Erich Pratt.

ATF Should Fix Its Internal Management Problems Before Its $1.9 Billion Budget is Approved | The Truth About Guns

CAUGHT! Biden Using Fake Data to Gaslight Americans on Mass Shootings...Again | The Truth About Guns
All anti-gun leftists can do is LIE, STEAL, and cheat.

Biden Administration Wants to Ignore Science to Push Traditional Ammunition Bans | NSSF
A great piece by NSSF’s Larry Keane points out the hypocrisy of this administration.

65% of USA Enjoys Right to Carry without a Government Permission Slip | AmmoLand
Almost 2/3rds of the US enjoy true freedom, and only 1/3rd left to go.

Biden’s New Gun Actions Could Not Have Happened Without Republican Help | AmmoLand Good piece calling out the “Republicans” who are siding with tyranny and violating their oath to the constitution.

U.S. Supreme Court Turns Down Emergency Appeal To Block Illinois Gun Control Law | The Daily Wire
Thank you, SCOTUS! A GOC’s amicus brief once again helps spread the truth.

Unprecedented Gun Control: Democrats in Government Are Trying to Disarm Young Americans | RedState
If they’re old enough to protect our country, they’re old enough to protect themselves.

New Poll Shows Large Majorities Unhappy With Biden on Gun Control | Bearing Arms
No surprise here.


Tickets for upcoming GOC fundraising events are selling out!

Oroville Dinner, Friday June 16, 2023

Vacaville, Saturday, October 28, 2023

San Jose, TBD

Go online at GOC or call 916-984-1400 TODAY to get yours!



Gun Owners of California
Gun Owners of California, Inc.
1190 Suncast Ln, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, California 95762
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