Millions of American children today are locked out of the system before the age of ten years old, statistically more apt to be incarcerated at some point in their life than to achieve a high school diploma.
The under-education of any American child is unacceptable, in fact it is a passive form of oppression. The United States is the only country that funds our public education through property taxes, ensuring that children from poorer neighborhoods receive a poorer education, thus deepening the roots of wealth inequality. Educational inequality is both the result of income inequality, and the cause of more of it.
Millions of American children each day go to schools that do not even have functioning toilets, and lack the minimum school supplies necessary to teach a child to read. A child who cannot read by the age of eight is less likely to graduate from high school, and more likely to one day be incarcerated.
This is more than an educational issue; it is a human rights issue. In the richest country in the world, it must become our highest priority for every American child to receive a world class education.
I will not be a President who advocates for huge corporate entities; I will be a President who advocates for people and planet. When I am president, the American child will have a more passionate advocate in the Oval Office than ever before.
Read here to see the entirety of my Education platform, an example of the many plans I have by which to initiate a season of American repair.
We can get to the White House, but it will take a lot of work – and a lot of money. I hope you will give generously to the campaign, so we can create an administration that gives generously to America.