It’s only been a few weeks since we launched our campaign to flip Idaho’s second district, and already, there’s so much energy surrounding this campaign.
Everyone is ready to build on our success from our groundbreaking Senate run last year, and now we’re ready to channel that enthusiasm into flipping this seat and taking back the House majority!
The GOP has no plans to defend ID-02 because they think they’ve got this district all sewn up.
We know better. Last cycle we made huge gains in this community as the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate. This year, with better name recognition, stronger relationships, and an already-energized base of supporters in the district – I know we can flip this seat.
But we still have a lot of work to do.
This campaign will require coming face-to-face with hundreds of thousands of voters. We will knock on every door we can and hear every voice. We need enough yard signs and campaign literature to blanket the entire district. And we need to start saving up for TV ads now.
None of this can happen without your help.
The election may still be a year away, but there’s no time to waste. We need to build a strong foundation now to reach voters and grow our network. That’s why your early support today could be the difference between taking back the House next year or two more years of Republican rule.
Can I count on you to start a recurring donation to this campaign today so I can plan and build the team that can flip ID-02?