Fellow Conservative,
We’re facing the most critical election of our lives next year, and we need EVERY Team Cruz supporter on board in this fight.
Today, we’re urging you to make a monthly recurring donation of $12.99. |
Similar to a Netflix or Hulu subscription, your card will be automatically charged each month. But, in this case, your contribution will go toward saving our country, not funding a woke entertainment company.
Here are the steps to becoming a recurring donor:
It’s as simple as that!
Senator Cruz is working hard to secure reelection next year and get our great country back on track. But he’s counting on patriots like you to fuel his efforts.
So please – chip in a $12.99 recurring donation today. Together, we can send the Biden Democrats packing in 2024 and END the far-left madness in D.C.
-Team Cruz |
Paid for by Ted Cruz for Senate |
815 A Brazos, PMB 550, Austin, TX 78701 |
id:2023-04-28-14:26:08:782t |