Agender Pride Day & More in Our Latest Newsletter! ![]() Hi John —May is #AAPIHeritageMonth, and in celebration, three staff members of the It Gets Better Project worked together on a piece honoring the intersections of their AAPINH and queer identities. They write: As queer AAPINH people, there’s a certain relationship many of us have to the sidelines. Whether it’s conversations at family dinners or discussions around favorite queer movies, many of us don’t know quite where our lived experiences truly fit in. Reclaiming our space as queer and AAPINH is about finding a place in the conversation, even when it feels uncomfortable to speak up. Wise words. Enjoy some highlights from our month below. AAPI &AAPI&... activist, musician, artist! Check out our new video series for #AAPIHeritageMonth, highlighting how our intersectional identities compliment each other. Because none of us are just one thing. Don't Be Afraid to Set Your Own TableIt Gets Better staff discusses what it means to carve out a space that feels authentically your own — even when it feels uncomfortable to do so. #AAPIHeritageMonthThe Binary PrisonFor Agender Pride Day, guest blogger Sky Barani writes about being a queer, Iranian agender child who thought boy and girl were the only options. Then they found a world of possibilities online. New EduGuide: The AssignmentWe have a new free-for-download educational resource. Inspire students to dream of careers in the culinary institute — and make LGBTQ+ students feel seen and included too — with The Assignment. Gemini SznHappy b-day, Gemini! Heard you're curious and love to socialize about you find out how much you can raise with friends and family for LGBTQ+ youth around the globe? |