
Free and fair elections are foundational to a healthy democratic system. That’s why it’s so concerning to hear about far-right politicians and groups collaborating to make it harder to vote across the country.

While other issues have been dominating the news, Republican state legislatures have passed measures to limit mail voting (Ohio), ban drop boxes (Arkansas) and shorten early voting (Wyoming). Unsurprisingly, these efforts are all funded by billionaire-backed far-right groups drafting “model legislation” for right-wing legislators.

The New York Times reported that these groups are pursuing a strategy of “radical incrementalism -- a step-by-step approach intended to be more politically palatable than the broad legislation that provoked widespread protest in 2021.” In other words, they’re trying to restrict access to voting without anyone noticing.

This should not be controversial: We need to make it easier to vote, not harder. That’s why Congress should reintroduce the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act that the House passed in 2021.

If you agree, add your name to our petition to urge Congress to reintroduce the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and push back against right-wing efforts to restrict ballot access.
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Thank you for standing up for voting rights.

