Hi John,
Welcome to our inaugural Self-Managed Abortion with Pills Newsletter – a monthly one-stop shop for all things self-managed abortion with pills (and more!) with the latest news, resources, and events. One of the most important things for self-managed abortion with pills information-sharing is having a working knowledge of the protocol for self-managed-abortion. Learn more about the protocol for self-managed abortion with pills here.

Upcoming Actions:
1. Are you looking to help fund an abortion for someone in your area? Contribute to the DC Abortion Fund’s annual fund-a-thon through May 31 and get a ticket for their Closing Celebration here.
2. Do you want to host a virtual or in-person self-managed abortion with pills information sharing session with Reproaction? Submit a request here.
1. Do I need to see a doctor after a self-managed abortion with pills?
2. Abortion Language for Media Fact Sheet
3. Being Supportive to People Self-Managing Abortion
There’s more where that came from, check out our campaign page at www.reproaction.org/sma
Why do we love self-managed abortion with pills?
1. “Self-managed abortion gives individuals another option for decision-making around their pregnancy. It reinforces the fact that access to abortion is a human right.” – Kimya, 30, Washington, DC
2. “In a world where abortion access has become limited from state to state and criminalized to those who seek care by traveling, self-managed abortions are essential to maintaining a world where all people can decide when, where and how they become a parent.” – Michyah, 25, Virginia.
Do you want to share why you love Self-Managed Abortion? Submit your quote here.
And remember:
See you next month!
In Solidarity,
Laila Salaam
Organizer, Reproaction
P.S. Abortion pills are indeed magic. Give today if you agree!