Hi Friend,
You’ve heard about the debt ceiling, right?
It caps how much money the government can borrow to pay for spending that Congress already approved.
The U.S. is about to hit that limit in June — so now, President Biden is negotiating with Congressional leaders.
Some of the deals they’re discussing would cut access to life-changing support for children and families. Friend, will you speak out today?
Both parties agree that financial stability is critical for our future. But solutions should never come at the expense of kids in need.
Programs that provide nutrition, early learning and child care support are a vital safety net for millions of families.
Ripping that away would put children at great risk — and when they aren’t at their best, our nation isn’t at its best, either.
Please, send an urgent message: For kids’ sake, we can’t compromise on support that saves lives and futuress.
Thanks for being a voice for kids,