A real, homegrown, long-term strategy to defeat corporate power.
Dear John,

In West Virginia, the leadership of both major parties is up for sale to the highest out-of-state bidder. The Manchin and Capito machines answer to Big Energy and Big Pharma, not the rest of us. 


WV Can’t Wait is changing that. 


Four years ago, there were zero no-corporate-cash, pro-labor, WV Can’t Wait-endorsed candidates serving in elected office in West Virginia.

By 2021, we had 11.

Now we’re at 24.


24… and counting. One county, one city, one race at a time. Building the bench. Training candidates. Knocking doors. Policy, communications, and grassroots support for elected officials after they win. Year-round. One month, we're opening up the state's first LGBTQ+ safe haven shelter. The next, we're honoring 41 small town heroes. The next, we're winning broadband victories. This is how we beat these corporate political machines. This is how we build the power we need to take on bigger fights. Manchin. Capito. Justice. And the next generation of corporate sellouts.


You can read more about our strategy in Newsweek and The Forge


Our spring fundraising drive starts today.


You can donate now at this link: wvcantwait.com/donate. (Or make checks payable to WV Can’t Wait Action Committee / PO Box 1633 / Huntington, WV 25717.)


Best wishes,


Stephen Smith

Co-Chair, WV Can't Wait
