From Entertainment Community Fund <[email protected]>
Subject Senior Soloists
Date May 22, 2023 5:45 PM
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** Senior Soloists

** Wednesdays, June 14–August 2
3–4:15 pm ET

Open to members of the entertainment community ages 65+ who would like to connect with a group of other "Soloists"—those who may be living alone, without a partner, children or family present in their lives. Whether you are a Soloist by choice or after changes in life circumstances, this group is an opportunity for peers to support each other and process emotions related to independent living.

Senior Soloists is an ongoing closed group that will meet on Wednesdays for eight weeks. All eight sessions will be held via Zoom. Space is limited; an initial interview with a facilitator is required for all participants.

Due to state professional licensing regulations for social workers, this group is available only to residents of New York.

Please note that this is not a psychotherapy group and does not provide mental health treatment. If you are in need of mental health support, please learn more and reach out to the Entertainment Community Fund:
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to help those in need in performing arts and entertainment.

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NY: 212.221.7300 | LA: 323.933.9244 | Chicago: 312.372.0989
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